

Is it tassle or tassel?





Is it tassle or tassel?

Is it tassle or Tassel?

verb (used with object), tas·seled, tas·sel·ing or (especially British) tas·selled, tas·sel·ling. to furnish or adorn with tassels. to form into a tassel or tassels. to remove the tassel from (growing corn) in order to improve the crop.

What is a synonym for tassel?

In this page you can discover 12 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for tassel, like: , , brocade, headpiece, bodice, scarf, hooped, shawl, plait, headdress and chenille.

What are tassels on clothes?

A basic key tassel is made by binding or otherwise gathering threads from cord and creating a knot. Tassels are normally decorative elements, and as such one often finds them attached along the bottom hem of garments and curtains. The first Guild of Passementiers was created in France in the 1600s.

What has a tassel?

The male flower of the corn plant is known as a corn tassel. After the bulk of the plant growth is complete, tassels will appear on top of the plant. Corn plant tassels can be green, purple, or yellow. The tassel's job is to produce pollen that encourages the growth and ripening of the corn ear.

Is Tasel a word?

Yes, tassel is in the scrabble dictionary.

What is the string on a graduation hat called?

Tassels are worn on the right side of the cap before the ceremony and are then moved from the right side to the left after receiving a diploma or when directed to do so by the graduation speaker.

What does the name tassel mean?

The surname Tassel was first found in Belgium, where the name became noted for its many branches in the region, each house acquiring a status and influence which was envied by the princes of the region. The name was first recorded in Hainault, a province in Belgium, based on the ancient county of Hainaut.

What is tassel in biology?

The flower or head of some plants, especially. When pendent.

What is the word for a tassel on a curtain?

crest (noun) fringe (noun) other relevant words (noun) other synonyms. other relevant words (noun)

What was the original purpose of tassels?

In Egypt and Mesopotamia, the cradle of civilization, tassels were worn as amulets on headdresses to protect the wearer from evil spirits. Archeologists have unearthed tassels in the tombs of Egyptian pharaohs dating back thousands of years.

